Episode 33
Ultima Thule (Episode 18) - The Making Of A Meteorite: Chondrite, Achondrite, and Iron
Of course, Ultima Thule was never truly on Earth but always in the heavens. Since time immemorial humans have looked up and wondered what they were looking at and what it must be made of. But every year roughly 44,000 tons of rock rain down on us in the form of meteorites. In this episode we take a crash course in the three main types of meteorites - chondrites, achondrites, and irons. Their origins are ancient with some as old as the solar system, others that were once part of the Moon or Mars, and others still from the cores of long forgotten obliterated planets. Learn about the origin of the solar system, the fascinating story of the meteorite ALH84001 that possibly tells the story of ancient Martian life billions of years ago, as well as about the remnants that have been retrieved from cataclysmic planetary collisions. (18/29)